STay home and/or walk out of school on 4/20.

My name is Andrew Archer. I’m a therapist and Zen teacher. Tyler Flowers and I want our Kindergartners to go to their high school Homecoming together. That’s who “Stay At Home day” is about. WE ARE SCARED Our kids ARE GOING TO GET SHOT. We have both spoken OUT ABOUT THIS at MAnkato School Board Meetings recently:

March 20, 2023: Despair

April 4, 2023: Solidarity

April 17, 2023: Enlightenment

OBJECTIVE: We want to keep school children safe from gun violence and to build awareness of mass shootings. We don’t want this to be political. We want to create and maintain “real” social networks with people, not with Big Tech. A social movement.

With whom, you ask? Anyone that is a parent or has a parent, or hell, if you’ve been parentified as a child, please join us. I am able to educate from an analytical perspective on the mass shooter. I CAN teach meditation (actual de-escalation). Students, especially high school students, need a voice in this. Perhaps a walk-out to draw attention.

Educate yourself on the facts of this safety issue and attend future School Board Meetings to demand transparency.  

MY Work as an analytical psychotherapist and the study of these massacres has led me to some conclusions: The MASS shooter IS actualizing a “Top Gun” script. Their act IS IMPERIAL IN EVERY SENSE OF THE WORD’s DEFINITION. THEY TRY TO MAKE AN EMPIRE OF THEMSELVES TO GO VIRAL online (E.g., live-streaming the attack). THe narrative is “Survival of the fittest” and they feel like a “loser”. The shooter discharges their agitation through violence and kill themselves in an exhibitionistic (or performative) manner. They play depressive versions of “Kick Me” (e.g., when they get fired from a job they think, “This Always Happens to ME!”), a third-degree version of “Cops N Robbers” (with no exit plan). I have posted some talks I have given on this subject matter.

Link here


My 6-year-old son, is very concerned about impending war. It is as if he can sense it. He wonders about the effects of war and why people choose it over love. He is responding to despair by writing HIS Truth about the devastating effects of war, the wrongness of violent conflict and his belief that love is most important. His rationale is reflected in the writing: “I just know that it is happening. People being hopeless and people are dying.” He has titled the writing All is Love. Here are a couple of quotes:

“Love is not war. All this time people have been thinking love is war.”

“War comes from your body. Love could be better for the world. Your mind, your brain can spread love around the world.”


AT A “THREAT ASSESSMENT” meeting last summer I HEARD AN FBI STATISTIC: April 20th is the most common day of the year for a school shooting in the U.S.

The Columbine massacre and Specifically ERIC HARRIS AND DYLAN KLEBOLD ARE IDOLIZED BY MASS SHOOTERS AND ARE OFTEN REFERENCED IN MANIFESTOS. SO THESE ARE OFTEN COPY-CAT CRIMES. Example here. COLUMBINE was on April 20, 1999. April is a violent month in general, e.g., the start of the Revolutionary war, Virginia Tech shooting, Oklahoma City bombing, etc.


Let’s stay home on April 20th. zen the f*#k out. We all want kids to be safe, especially from gun violence. In the U.S., there are two kinds of children: those that worry about being shot to and from school and those who worry about being shot in school. There is one kind of parent: the one who experiences despair and fear related to sending their kid(s) to school in the U.S.

300 people a day are shot by guns and over 100 are killed. Over 3 per day are killed by the police. The average number of gun-related deaths hovers between 40,000 and 50,000 per year in the U.S.


My 4-year-old, hoping for the weekend or a holiday, will frequently ask, “Dad, is it a stay-home-day?” So, I’d like to propose that on April 20th, we stay home from school, work, college, etc.

Mass shootings are being driven by despair: a lack of hope for the future. This causes individuals to engage in passive behaviors such as hyper-activity, agitation, and violence (Murder, suicide), which are not ways of dealing with their problems. It is powerlessness that people in the U.S. feel, which is driven by despair.

Unironically, conscious passivity (Doing NOtHING) is a necessary response. doing nothing by subverting authority and undermining the establishment power is the Answer (Subversion).

Stay At Home Day is meant to force the political establishment to take the issue of mass violence (shootings, homicides, suicides) seriously and present legislation for change. Recall, after all the reporting, articles, and television interviews in 1999, not a single piece of legislation was passed after the Columbine massacre. Today, we scroll through the daily mass shootings that pop up in our newsfeeds.

Collectively, we can GALVANIZE our own powerlessness and sense of impotence by staying home and staying safe.

Stay At Home Day is a social movement of solidarity to turn our sense of despair into joy. Please share this information with others. www.Stayathomeday.com